Sermon Notes & CG Questions 12.19.21

Dwell Well in the house of God ~ 1 Timothy 3:14-16

light & dark…

The Church deals with our darkness (vss 14-15)

-it is the household of God

-it is a pillar & foundation of the truth

The Gospel deals with our darkness (vs 16)

  1. He was manifested in the flesh 
  1. vindicated by the Spirit 
  1. seen by angels 
  1. proclaimed among the nations 
  1. believed on in the world 
  1. taken up in glory 

How do I apply this? 

NEXT WEEK: special end of year service

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection  

  1. How can you trace light and dark in your life story so far? Are there particularly “dark days”? Have you had “light bulb” moments of revelation? 
  2. How do you deal with your dark? Did one of the ways listed ring true?

Group Discussion

  1. As you read the passage fresh…what stands out to you? Are there any insights that have sunk in or questions that have continued to nag?
  2. How does the Bible describe the church? How are you fulfilling this?
  3. Is the truth of God ruling in your own home? Notice, then celebrate and persevere OR repent and change.
  4. What strikes you about the 6 God accomplishments in our text? How do they invite you to praise God?

Plan of Action

  1. Carve out time this season to read 1 Timothy in one sitting. Let the message of the book hit you as you hear it all in context. Ask that God feed you in ways you may not even know to ask for.

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