
Empowering the Next Generation

Here at Neighborhood Bible Church, we see students as an essential part of our church community. They're not just waiting in the wings; they're front and center, actively contributing to the life of the church.

Involvement and Growth
  • Worship Together: Students join in worship with their families, and many even play on the worship team.
  • Serve and Lead: Whether it’s teaching Sunday School, preparing for services, or creatively serving those in need, our youth are stepping up.
  • Creating Ministries: They aren’t just following; they’re leading. Our youth are dreaming and driving new ministries.
Time to Be Teens

While we encourage growth and leadership, we also know the importance of being young. We have special events designed for teenagers to enjoy being just that – teenagers. Our Youth Group meets Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, and we have events and camps throughout the year.

Parents, We're With You!

You’re not alone in raising your teens in a godly way. We have a wealth of resources to support you, from pastoral counsel, to the friendships in your community group, and our our Slack community for youth parents.

Youth Group

7:00 - 9:00 PM

Youth Events

Stay tuned... we have stuff we're working on!