02.04.24 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

 Oceans of Joy~ Philippians 1:12-18

February 4, 2024

What every witness must do…

  1. T – here is what is going on really!

Job 42:5–6

2. T

– this is what is going on, really.

3. T

– really?

Hebrews 5:14

Psalm 121

Next Week: Philippians 1:19-26

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. Read our passage and summarize what each of the points are from Sunday. Discuss further if any of these are confusing.
  2. How is Paul able to see things through the Gospel lens? What are the specific results of the hard things he’s going through?
  3. Do you invest time translating your life with a big picture lens? How does this look?
  4. No matter how big or small, describe the last time you testified. How does this passage expand your view of witnessing?

Devoted to one another

  1. How do you need help in translating or testing what is true? Actually make a list of all the ways you allow ideas and information into your life. Think of your eye gate, ear gate, and feet gate (as in where you go). Make a cumulative list with everyone in your CG. Star the ones that are most helpful, draw a line through the ones that you know are harming you and put a ‘?’ next to the ones that you are unsure of. 
  1. What part of your story is confusing to you right now? Pick something specific and process with a partner in your CG right now. If you are the listener, really listen. Refrain from ‘answering’ or ‘solving’. Pray about this together.

Devoted to praying

  1. Jesus is our example in prayer. Read Hebrews 5:7, as you translate life, do you go with desperation to the one who knows and can help?
  2. Have you been learning obedience through what you have been suffering? See Hebrews 5:8. 

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