02.18.24 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Oceans of Joy ~ Philippians 1:27-30 

February 18, 2024

Why all the conflict?

What is ‘suffering for Jesus’? 

3 Essentials for engaged sufferers:

1. Stand Firm- like soldiers holding a line…

Titus 2:1

2. Strive Together- like athletes on a team…

3. Don’t Fear- like citizens with powerful backing…

John 15:19; John 16:33; 1 Peter 4:12

Next Week: Philippians 2:1-11

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. The context of Philippians is Joy. What is the connection between suffering and joy?
  2. Re-read Philippians 1:29-30. What is your first reaction to conflict or struggle? Where do you need help?
  3. It matters to God how we live our lives. Look around your life and invite the Holy Spirit to encourage you or rebuke you as needed. God’s grace doesn’t excuse bad behavior, rather it enables us to change it. Seek help in translating your life.

Devoted to one another

  1. Sometimes when people say they don’t need God, it can be due to suffering in their life that makes it hard to believe in a good God. How might you open a door for someone you care about to share what happened?
  2. “Stand firm & Strive Together” – Identify some issues in the church that make it hard to seek unity without compromising truth? How ought we engage them?
  3. Who can you surround yourself with that will help you strive together as you seek to conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel?

Devoted to praying

  1. Pray for power to engage the conflict you should and avoid the conflict you have no part in. Track how this goes this week.
  2. How did God redeem peoples’ lives through suffering? What verses or songs can/did you cling to when walking through it? How might you “testify” to others what God did through that situation?

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