01.08.23 Sermon Notes and CG Questions

Remember and Refocus

Gen. 1:1

1 Timothy 6:20; 1 Peter 5:8; Mark 13:33

Next Week: A brand new series through the book of Acts Questions for the Community

Community Question 

Personal Reflection

  1. What do you perceive as your greatest threat in 2023?
  2. What are some ways you have tended to your soul in the area

    of self focus?

Group Discussion

  1. Respond to the title and theme from Sunday. What keeps you on track with your spiritual activities?
  2. Share any plans you have for spiritual growth this year. Plan on learning from the rhythms and practices of others. Pray over one another that “as we make our plans, God will direct our steps” (Proverbs 16:9)
  3. It takes ongoing effort to keep motives and outcomes in order. Where are you most prone to get confused regarding some spiritual activity?
  4. Review Ephesians. 1:4 and Gen. 1:1 from Sunday. Discuss how these big ideas affect our everyday lives. What is OUR part in this and what is GOD’S part?

Plan of Action

  1. Take some time at the start of this and evaluate the 4 calls to action from Sunday. If there is one you need to step into, GET MOVING!
  2. Look at all of your “spiritual activities” and invite the Spirit to teach you how to do these in a way that cooperates with what God is doing in you. Ask Him to flush out any activities that are just going through the motions and to infuse them with real life.

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