01.29.23 Sermon Notes and CG Questions


Acts 2:1-13

January 29, 2023

What is OBVIOUS:
1. God keeps_________________

2. God has_________________

3. Don’t fear _________________

Next Week: Acts 2:1-13 (part 2)

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

  1. We all wake up to fog each day about things we don’t know. What has you confused right now? Name it and bring it to God.
  2. What do you know of the Holy Spirit? Have you received good teaching? Have you pursued good answers?

Group Discussion

3. Read the text out loud. What leaps out to you?
4. This week, focus on what you KNOW about the Holy Spirit. Discuss what you learned Sunday and know from experience.

5. How is this event in Acts both a comfort and a spur to all of us who live with so much that is unclear?
6. How does the Holy Spirit help you? What are you longing for more of?
7. In preparation for next week, ponder some of the confusions you’ve always had about the Holy Spirit. What do you know of Christians dividing over topics raised in the book of Acts and the Holy Spirit?

Plan of Action

  1. Say or write back to God all the reasons you can walk forward in faith even when you can’t see the way. Express all that has you concerned (1 Peter 5:7) AND all that you are confident in (Heb. 11:1-6).
  2. Each week, activate (as in: do, respond, obey) whatever it is the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do or be. Remembering that the Holy Spirit is given on purpose…review the big picture and seek to cooperate.

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