05.14.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Acts 9

May 14, 2023

ORIGIN STORY: Saul before Paul

CONVERSION STORY: Terrorist to Evangelist

EFFECT: Terrorist to Evangelist

Philippians 3:4–8; 1 Corinthians 15:8–10

1. Jesus intimately 

with his people

2.  Jesus is

3. Jesus pursues us to confront us then

1 Timothy 1:12–15

4. Jesus must be surrendered to

5. Jesus makes family from

6. Jesus schools Saul and it is

1 Timothy 1:12–15

7. Jesus prompts


is beyond the reach of Jesus

Next Week: Acts 11

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection  

  1. If a movie was made about YOUR origin story, what genre would it fall into? (comedy, tragedy, action, drama, horror, …)
  2. Go back to your conversion story. What Scriptures and people helped you find Jesus? Give praise for His pursuit of you. Never lose the wonder of this!

Group Discussion

  1. Reflect on Saul’s origins and conversion. What most impresses you? Discuss any part of the story that is still unclear.
  2. Saul’s origins made him uniquely qualified for his task. What are some of the ways we see God redeeming the old Saul into powerhouse New Paul? (HINT: Think of all we now know in the rest of the N.T.) 
  3. Saul was made new. Review all that was new for him. What was new for you at conversion? How is God leading you in this newness this week?
  4. Review the 8 conclusions and any others that came to you on Sunday. What do we learn from God’s activity in Acts 9? Who or what in this story most hits you where you are at today?

Plan of Action

  1. What part does fear play in your walk with God? Is your experience like what we read in Acts 9:31? Submit to God’s teaching on this topic.
  2. If you are a Christian, you are on a mission no less than Saul was. Do you know your target and are you pursuing them with passion? Submit your origins and conversion to usefulness as an instrument in our Masters hand.

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