07.02.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Acts 16

July 2, 2023

Central Truth: God’s Call is not

but an

1. The Call of God


Acts 16:1-3

2. The Call of God


Acts 16:6-10



3. The Call of God


Acts 16:19-33; 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Next Week: Acts 17

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

1. Have you clearly heard a call of God, only to have it all turn out completely different? Do you see God working in that now?

2. List 3 specific ways God steered you through closed or locked doors. Praise God for the good you’ve seen come from this.

Group Discussion

3. When you hear ‘the Call of God’, what comes to mind? Did the text and sermon from Sunday shed any new light on the phrase?

4. The pain of ‘ghosting’ someone is in proportion to how close the relationship is. How does God feel when people who are supposedly his go silent on him? How does he respond?

5. What MOST stood out to you from Sunday? Was it a specific detail in the text, a point made about Team Paul…was it one of the practices or mindsets offered. Put into words what God is stirring or steering in you.

6. Is there something in your life God called you to and it isn’t DONE (as in over)…it’s just DIFFERENT? Explain.

7. Does you life confirm or confuse the Gospel? Bring this to God and sit with it. Let HIM speak over you and trust his word. Don’t be quick to be hard on yourself or easy on yourself. Adjust or continue as God directs.

Plan of Action

8. God speaks in quiet moments of undistracted reflection. Do you have any time scheduled for this? If you are serious about hearing from God…put this on your calendar.


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