1.22.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Acts 1:9-26

January 22, 2023

Church Activate means…

The Ascension of Jesus is:

1. anending-___________________

Luke 24:51; Mark 8:36

2. a beginning- _________________

Philippians 2:6-11; 1 Peter 3:18–22; Mark 16:19; Hebrews 4:14–16

Next Week: Acts 2:1-13

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

  1. Using Hebrews 11 as a backdrop, ponder the lasting impact of your life. Ask Jesus for a renewed vision of how your life matters and is intended to have impact far beyond your last breath.
  2. What are you looking to complete in this life? Does the mission of Jesus fit in with your plans? How?

Group Discussion

  1. Review the text and sermon from Sunday. What most impacted you? Share new insights, questions and ponderings.
  2. What ended when Jesus left? What started when he left?
  3. Most departures of loved ones are very hard for us. Why are

    the disciples overjoyed (see Luke 24:52)?

  4. What is Jesus doing right now? What are we to be doing?
  5. How can you actively work toward finishing the mission this

    week? How do you ensure you are leaning on power from on

    high? Get really specific and talk it through as a group.

  6. *bonus- Read the other scene in Acts 1 (12-26). Notice what

    divine work goes on AND what human responsibility takes place. This pattern if for us today as well.

Plan of Action

9. You are called into service TODAY. Are there activities on your calendar this week that you’ll still do but can act through the lens of this mission Jesus left us with? How does witnessing and disciple-making show up in your week?

10.Each week, activate (as in: do, respond, obey) whatever it is the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do or be.

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