10.08.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

 On to Health: DIET-Eat the Bible

2 Timothy 3:16

October 8, 2023

Next Week: BREATHING- the air of Prayer

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. Think back over the sermon and Scriptures. What is staying with you? Share one thing you are excited by, confused about or wanting to know more about.
  2. Consider the 2 books God wrote (read Psalm 19 out loud). How do these teach you to trust God more each day of your life? How are they similar…how are they different? Why are they both needed?
  3. Look back on 2 Timothy 3:16. Are you seeing this in your life right now? Why or why not? 
  4. If the Bible doesn’t FEEL vital all of the time, what can you do to see that it is?

Devoted to one another

  1. Discuss with one another the ways you are enjoying God’s word or where you are stuck. Use your time together to help one another along. Be vulnerable with your struggles and open with your practices.
  2. Share with one another the ways that God has helped you “eat healthy” for your inner life. What tools, circumstances, habits or helps have you discovered. Pass on the help to one another!

Devoted to praying

  1. Use Psalm 19 or 1119 or 2 Timothy 3:16 as a guide for your time. Open up the Bible and pray through what catches your attention. Linger over phrases or single words. Be in conversation with God during this time…remembering that this involves listening AND speaking.

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