11.05.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Vulnerable Children Care Sunday

James 1:27

November 5, 2023

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. We talked about God’s heart and our part in caring for the vulnerable this past Sunday. What stood out to you, challenged you, comforted or confused you?
  2. Review our very short text. What are the dangers of splitting ideas, verses or stories in half (remember Paul’s speech in Acts 17)? How do you responsibly handle the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15)?
  3. The dominate culture is great with part one of James 1:27 but hates the second part. Why is this and how must a Christian respond? 

Devoted to one another

  1. What vulnerability did you experience as a child? Did you or anyone you know experience adoption or foster? (also consider: divorce, abuse, neglect, instability, disability, etc)
  2. Read Psalm 145:4. Parents and Spiritual parents…tell your kids about your own heart for vulnerable children. When did your heart first break as you discovered their need? What has stirred you to action? What have you left undone? Invite those coming after you into the work and pray over their dreams.

Devoted to others

  1. Have you been to a Foster the City Interest Meeting yet? How might you join in what your church is walking toward?
  2. Review the ways you can help vulnerable children. How are you already active? What next step is yours to take in this area?

Devoted to praying

  1. Spend time praying to our Good and Almighty Father, pleading to him on behalf of the vulnerable. Ask him to give you grace to be the body that accomplishes his hearts’ work on earth.

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