11.13.22 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Keep Sound for Life/Regeneration

John 3:1-15

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection
1. Have you been born again? What evidence of new life is there in you?
2. Can you describe your experience of conversion in 30-45 seconds? What benefit does this provide?

Group Discussion
3. Review your list from Sunday about what saves us and what doesn’t. Would you change something on either side now that you’ve thought about it for awhile?
4. If you made any kind of decision on Sunday, share it with your group. Let others speak in to your life and help steer you to life in Jesus.
5. Why is it so important to personal and church health to have a right understanding of conversion or regeneration?
6. If regeneration is entirely a work of God, why preach the gospel? Is it cruel to ask people to respond if they are unable on their own? How do you resolve this tension?
7. If someone is not sure if they’ve been born again, what Scriptures would you point them to? How would you talk about it? (Try role playing this at group).

Plan of Action
8. Keep awake and in tune with God by daily paying attention. Remember the spiritual practice of “Prayer of Examen” (reviewing your day with the gift of hindsight, noticing signs of life in you and others)
9. Pray for people to share with each day this week. Set your heart, mind and mouth at the ready should God open a door.

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