12.11.22 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Worship fully~Spend Less~Give More~Love all

December 11, 2022

1. Give is love in action.

2. Is better to give than to receive.

3. Generosity is not the act of giving, it is a way of living.


Next Week: Advent Conspiracy Love All


Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection
1.  Reflect on the great love of God (Read John 3:16, Rom. 8:32, 1 John 3:16). How can you mimic Him by giving yourself in love?

Group Discussion
2.  In light of 2 Corinthians 9:11, How can God bless you (not only financially) so that you can bless others?
3.  Look to those around you in your life, how can you say and demonstrate that you love them?
4.  Do you know your immediate family well? What do they love? What is their love language? How can you fill their love tank?
5.  Describe how you feel when you give out of love? Have you seen other people give just because you give?
6.  In what areas of you life can you improve and be more generous?
7.  What practical steps can you take today so that when God shows you an opportunity you can act on it?

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