Sermon Notes & CG Questions 04/11/21

Blessings In Abundance

Proverbs 3

1. The law of sowing

2. The law of loyalty

3. The law of kindness

4. The law of integrity


Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

  1. What should be more important in our lives, to be a sower, loyal, kind or integrity?
  2. When we talk about giving, do we mean only money? Are there other ways to give?

Group Discussion

  1. Can you share a time that you were blessed when someone gave you something other than money?How do you tend to respond to bad news? (procrastination, avoidance, resignation, other?)
  2. Can you share very specific ideas on how to bless people this week? Consider doing it together as a CG
  3. How do we know that we have a heart under the purpose of God? How God wants us to bless others the right way?

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