Sermon Notes & CG Questions 06/27/21

Micah 1:2-16


Old Testament artichoke

Matthew 5:17-19

Hear ye, Hear ye… (2-5)

Luke 18:19

You’ve cheated on God! (5-7)

You’ve violated the covenant through disobedience! (10-16)

Facing the Music by Choice

2 Corinthians 5:9-10



NEXT WEEK:       Micah 2:1-13

Questions for the Community

       Personal Reflection

1. Re-read Matt. 5:17-19. Are you more likely to give ‘attention to the details’ or being ‘dismissive of the details’ found in the Old Testament? Do Jesus’ words challenge you? Inspire you? Correct you? Affirm you? Ask God to grow your hunger for wisdom, and an appetite for things you don’t yet understand.

       Group Discussion

2. What does “It’s time to face the music” mean and how does it relate to Micah 1? When was the last time you had to face the music?

3. Consider the imagery of “cheating on God”. Talk with your Savior about this. Sit with the ugliness and repulsion of it. Ask God to show you faithless places in yourself. Praise him for his fidelity and the love he’s grown in you for Himself.

4. How would you explain the anger and love of God working together to someone who is struggling with a loving God getting angry?

5. Idolatry is giving ultimate allegiance to another object of worship, or object of affection. They are crafted by hand or mind. None of us is immune from their pull. Name 3 idols you are most tempted to worship.

6. Look at the specific cities listed in the chapter and consider our own area. What regional, group think sins are common where you live? How do you safeguard from being swept into the flow of sin?

    Plan of Action

7. What warnings does this text have for you? How does this serve as a wake up for your life? Pick one area to begin pressing into and changing. 

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